Governments often debate policies that can directly affect members of Local 1615. Make no mistake - it is in our interest to have our voice heard; to be part of the discussion. Local 1615 sees it as part of its responsibility to its members to weigh in on these political issues, and it can help immeasurably if you as a member and citizen add your voice as well.
The letters page of a newspaper, is one of the most widely read of all pages. It is also one of the most influential. Letters to the editor are a straight-forward means of getting your point of view publicized. There's never a guarantee your letter will be published, especially if the paper is flooded with letters on a given subject, but you can improve your odds by adhering to certain key rules.
1.) You can mail or fax your letter, but papers prefer e-mail because it is easier and quicker for them to deal with.
2.) The shorter, the better since often the decision on whether to use it is based on available space. The shorter it is, the more likely it will fit. While there are exceptions, most papers request that letters don't exceed 250 words.
3.) Sign it and include your phone number. The phone number won't be published but often the editor will call to ensure you are indeed the person who sent it.
4.) If your letter is a response to something in the news, get it in quickly. The editor is more likely to be interested in a letter that relates to something in the news today, than last week. 5.) Keep your letter to one or two points. Any more than that and it may be confusing or unclear to the reader.
6.) Do not issue threats, say anything libellous or use inappropriate language. If you do, your letter will likely not be used.
7.) Don't be abusive, or a bully, but while it is a fine line, sarcasm or ridicule can work if you are good at it.